
Prayer of the staff before class

Each time before I face my class
I hesitate a while and ask the father
'Help me Lord' to understand each child,
Help me to see in everyone a precious soul,
Most dea an I may lead that child
Though paths of wonder not of fear
Dear father as they look to me
For Christian guidance
Ture I look to thee
And humbly ask
Thou will teach me too.

Morning Prayer

This little guiding light of mine
I'm going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine (2) all the time
Let it shine

Hide it under a bushel – Oh ! No
I'm going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine(2) all the time …….

Take this little light round the world
I'm going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine ……….

Prayer before class

O ! my God, all knowledge is in Thee: bless our studies, enlighten our minds, strengthen our memories and direct our wills towards what is right, grant us to seek the truth always and make us truly wise.

Prayer after class

We give Thee thanks, almighty God for all the benefits and for helping us to learn our lessons and for keeping us healthy and happy.